Saturday 15 March 2014

Birthday Boy = Lee


You might think I spent the day fine tuning my GDC demo and making sure all the hardware worked as expected. That would be the professional thing to do. Alas, I discovered on waking that it was my birthday, and my presents consisted of Jamerson's and Guinness. What's a guy to do The consummate professional that I am, I spent three hours in the garden raking back the soil for a new lawn and then five hour drinking my presents and watching a marathon viewing of Pawn Stars.

I am now sitting down to the PC and all remaining work at 1:30AM (after midnight) and pondering my next move. I think I can finish up the demo, and then do the tests on the Ultrabook, then copy the latest files to the USB, but whether I can do this before my pre-timed path at 2AM I am not so sure.

The demo might be doomed, but at least I had a great birthday day, and my future includes a nice soak and perhaps an episode of Poirot.  Rest assured, my built-in need to get the job done will see me through ;)

Also, as a teaser, you should get a real sense from this pictorial hint at the secret sauce I have mere hours to integrate, and I can also assure that I did NOT play any part in it's coding. As you may already know, I am 100% performance work right now!

P.S. The hat was purchased over 15 years ago from a cowboy in Florida, and despite it's own personal history, still resembles a hat :)


  1. LOL, actually the hat resembles a salad bowl now. Happy birthday.

    You got horses in there now?

  2. Hints easy really, character creator has moved along.....right?

    Or fruit flack,,,,love tossing that stuff around.

  3. My guess--depth map to terrain generator :)

  4. My guess (this was like the least likely thing I could think of): Character from Kinect generator ;)

    So is your birthday the 14th or the 15th? I can never quite work out the timezones on this blog, plus you tend to post in the wee hours of the morning :P My birthday was yesterday, the 15th :)

  5. Happy Birthday Lee

    And iam really hoping that what we are looking at is a Kinect Camera and that they have secretly been working on the character creator or animator or maybe even some software to capture voice and head movement for video sequences.
    these guys have had some great success with Kinect work and have been writing a lot of there own code so the potential is there..

  6. Speaking of Brekel, I've been looking into home motion capture for short movies and happened to find PrioVR. It's a full-body inertial motion capture suit with reasonable-high accuracy for $400! Amazing! The cheapest non-Kinect/PS-Eye mo-cap I've found so far is Animazoo's IGS suits, at around $15,000 base model.


    I am DEFINITELY going to buy a Pro suit as soon as I have the cash!

    1. Pardon me, not $15,000, $23,000. They go up to $48,000 for the top-of-the-line models.

  7. That looks like a depth map to me! Does this mean we can expect DoF?

    1. It is indeed a depth map, from a Kinect if I'm not mistaken. And unfamillia, that's probably the most sensible guess about the image anyone's had so far! :D
